What is a pre-wedding session?

It is a photo session that is done before the wedding, maybe a week before or 1 month before. It is usually done in emblematic or significant places for the couple. It is a perfect opportunity to start in front of the camera if you are shy and thus be able to be more relaxed on Wedding day. In these types of sessions we usually include children and pets … The clothes that are usually worn in this type of session are normal, casual clothes, you can wear one or two outfits and above all, as always, come wanting to have fun and create memories for eternity.
Post-wedding or Trash the dress shooting?

It is a casual session that is usually done after the wedding, usually the next day in the case of destination weddings, a week later or when the couple returns from their honeymoon. In this session we can take photos in a more relaxed way since we do it without time pressure or being careful with clothing. It is a perfect opportunity to climb, ride a bike, scooter, jump into the water at the end of the session or whatever comes to mind, there are no limits.
Wedding Day

On the day of the wedding we began the photographic coverage in the house of one of the two spouses. If both dress close to each other we always try to cover both. We greatly appreciate those weddings in which the couple and family make their preparations in the same place where the ceremony and banquet are held, as it helps us not to miss a single moment of the big day. After the preparations we take the photos of the ceremony and then a photo session in a nearby place or in case of a displacement, in the place that the couple chooses. If you have also contracted the Post-wedding, then we understand that it is very important for you to spend time with your guests and we can lighten this moment. If you have not booked the Post-wedding, we suggest investing 30 to 45 minutes in the couple’s photo session. Finally, we attend the celebration where our coverage lasts up to 1 hour after the wedding dance has begun.
Complete Wedding Fast Delivery Online
Get your wedding completely edited within a maximum period of 7 days. This means that I cannot contract any new commission during the following 7 days after your wedding and I would have to isolate myself in order to fulfill your commission. It has the advantages that you will see our report as quickly as possible and you will be able to share the memories with your loved ones in less than 7 days. If you really want this option, you will have to contract it as soon as possible to ensure that the dates following your wedding will be free and I will be able to finish the job on time. The delivery will be online and the physical support (the printed box) will take a few more weeks.
Same Day Edit:
Es una proyección en el mismo día (en la celebración) de una presentación de imágenes con música del todo lo ocurrido el día de la boda. Para poder llevar a cabo esta presentación deben unirse algunos factores y aunque en el 90% de los casos hemos conseguido proyectar dicha presentación no se puede garantizar el éxito ya que depende de factores externos como el tiempo de edición, colaboración de otros proveedores etc.
Queremos contratarte, ¿Puedes reservar la fecha para nosotros?
Por supuesto, solo hay que abonar una cantidad a cuenta del presupuesto. Debido a que no envío a una persona desconocida a hacer el trabajo, solo atiendo a una boda por día y un determinado número de bodas al año.
¿Con cuanto tiempo de antelación tengo que abonar el dinero para reserva fecha?
Todo depende de que sus fechas estén libres, pero normalmente entre 9 meses y 1 un año de antelación.
¿Cuando estará mi reportaje terminado?
Nuestro contrato especifica que entregaremos el trabajo siempre lo antes posible con un máximo al que esperamos no llegar de 4 meses. No obstante tienen la opción de contratar una entrega previa que estaría terminada al día siguiente de la boda y puedan ser compartidas por teléfono o correo electrónico. Esta entrega previa consta de entre 10 y 20 fotos del evento.
Si tenéis alguna otra pregunta, me encantaría que nos conociéramos online o en vivo y en directo, ¡HABLEMOS!
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